I'm a bad blogger...haven't posted anything since EASTER!! What's up with that?? I'm a slacker, but will try to do better and updating this blog regularly from now on. I'll still send emails, when it's updated, as it will probably take all of you awhile to get used to checking the blog for updates, since you all probably gave up on that a LONG time ago! LOL!
We're busy as usual! Here's a brief overview of what's been going on with the Baker's...since EASTER!! (sheesh)
McKenna turned 2 in April, and we celebrated with a "Dora The Explorer"-themed party! She LOVES Dora and Diego! She had a blast swinming in her new pool (a gift from Auntie Kayla), eating cake, and playing with balloons.

McKenna playing with balloons at her party!

A little shy as we were singing happy birthday to her!
It was a fun little party, and now she sings Happy Birthday all of the time!
In May, we took McKenna to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Kirsten and Adam and Kayla and AJ went with us. It was a really hot day, but we had fun...McKenna loved seeing the animals, but her favorite part was in the gift shop afterwards. She wanted to take every stuffed animal in the shop home with her!

Mark, McKenna and Cindy...and the flamingos behind us! Minutes before this photo was taken, AJ was "dive-bombed" by a very large bird! It flew over and brushed his head! It was so funny!

Kirsten and Adam "monkeying" around....

At home, after a fun day at the Wild Animal Park...McKenna decided that her new stuffed elephant and tiger were hungry, so she had to "feed" them...at the dog food bowls...too cute!

Brandon graduated from Cal. State Fullerton in May! It was a long, hard road, but he did it and we are very proud of him! It was another extremely hot day, but it was a nice ceremony, and McKenna was a trooper, even in the heat.

Mark, Brandon, Cindy and my mom after the ceremony. Brandon is now working on getting his teaching credential and Master's Degree through National University, and started working at Heritage High school a few weeks ago, as an on-campus substitute, JV girls volleyball coach, and assistang basketball coach.

McKenna LOVES her Auntie Kayla! This was in July at Mark's dad's house in La Jolla.

We have a new addition to the family....isn't he just so cute and cuddly?? Meet "Diego"! (McKenna gave him that name...since it's her favorite cartoon character) He's a Desert Tortoise, and he now lives in our side yard. He basically eats twice a day, and "burrows" the rest of the time. That's it...that's all. He doesn't do tricks or anything...yet, anyway. I think Mark may be secretly trying to get him to "sit"...LOL! Desert tortoises are endangered, and we adopted him.

We spent the 4th of July at Dad and Elaine's house. It was a really fun pool party and BBQ! Here's Mark relaxing....

And McKenna having fun in the pool!

oops...I couldn't figure out how to turn this photo around...so you'll have to turn your head to see this recent cute shot of our sweet McKenna! LOL!

This month we traveled to Utah for a weekend to attend a bridal shower that Kirsten's friends gave her. We also went up to Park City one day, as Adam had never been there.

.Kylee, Kirsten and Lindsey at the bridal shower. Lindsey is one of Kirsten's best friends, and Kylee is Lindsey's sister and Kirsten's friend as well) and hostess of the shower! It was a really nice party and so sweet of her friends to do it for her.
It was really great for us to be back in Utah, for the first time since we moved back to Ca. We still miss living in Utah alot! We were able to visit with our old neighbors and see our old neighborhood and our wonderful Utah home...miss that, too!
We are busy with wedding plans....the invitations went out today! (Oct. 17th is the date!) I told Adam it's too late to back out now....
Kirsten has the dress, we finalize with the reception venue next week...it's getting so close...8 weeks to go, and I'm getting a bit nervous....I've never hosted a wedding before! But I know it will be just beautiful....
We'll be having a bridal shower for Kirsten here next month, so Kayla and my cousin Jody are busy planning that event!
Kayla is actually in Europe right now! She is spending 10 days there...went to London first, and arrived in Paris last night for a day, then on to Barcelona for a few days then ROME!! Her and AJ are having a great time! (she's been emailing us...)
That's it for now...again, I promise to update this more often!
Hugs and love to all!